Efa Ravelonantoandro - Centre Arrupe Madagascar Jesuits Africa
Approximately 100,000 additional inhabitants each year stream to Madagascar’s capital, a city where the correlation between exposure to floods, urban poverty, pollution, and waste management…
Efa Ravelonantoandro - CENTRE ARRUPE MADAGASCAR Jesuits Africa
Madagascar's lands covered with forests are shrinking more and more. According to Global Forest Watch, from 2001 to 2021, Madagascar lost 4.36Mha of vegetation cover,…
Mohamed Athman, Save Lamu and Bryan P. Galligan, S.J., Jesuits Africa
The World Heritage Committee is well aware of the threats to Lamu Old Town posed by the Lamu Port South Sudan—Ethiopia…
Because the real drivers of Africa’s vulnerability to climate change extend far beyond physical factors alone…
By Bryan P Galligan Jesuits Africa
“We used to know what to grow here, and we…